Special issue of Slovenian Banking Journal No. 5, 2024: Policrisis – artificial intelligence, oppurtunities and challenges



  • Boštjan Vasle: Maintaining resilience while seizing opportunities
  • Maja Škrjanc: Navigating the AI Frontier: Generative AI and Organisational Transformations
  • Gonzalo Caprirolo: The impact of automation and artificial intelligence on Slovenia’s labour market: a look at the recent past and foreseeable future
  • Andrej Ceglar, Milan Damjanović, Črt Lenarčič, Iskra Sokolovska and Tina Žumer Šujica: Exposure of Slovenian economy and banking system to environmental degradation
  • Boštjan Kožuh: Integrating artificial intelligence for proactive and reactive credit management strategies
  • Matej Drašček and Alja Sosič Hribar: The Model Risk: A Savior or a Scapegoat?
  • Sašo Dolenc: The Future of AI – From Learning to Understanding
  • Timotej Jagrič, Aljaž Herman and Aleksandra Amon: Bank customers’ perception of Artificial Intelligence services and products: The case of neobanks
  • Timotej Jagrič, Dušan Fister, Stefan Otto Grbenic and Aljaž Herman: AI based business valuation solution for the banking industry


You can download the entire international edition of the Slovenian Banking Journal Bančni vestnik here.